collection shiba

Our Company's concept, story ,highlights

Thank you for visiting our web page,
especially in these difficult times.
Let's hope things are pretty much acclimated to
something recognizably  "new-normal" very soon.

Monday: 10am - 5pm JST
Wed-Sun: 10am - 5pm JST

Regular holidays
Wednesdays - the first and second

Enquiries are welcome 24/7!

We are open pawn shops in Tokyo JAPAN,
watches for sale, purchase, repair and finishing,
on the watch, such as assessment evaluation
we went to the main consultation
Founded in 1964

Watches are the main product, and
we mainly develop #Youngtimer. 
We do not have current products, big watches, submariners or daytona.

Our watches are mainly divided into 3 categories.

● What is Youngtimer! ??
Manufactured and sold around the 1980s and 90s
a genre established in Europe, mainly in Germany, as one category that prefers cars (old cars) 1980, 
which is not clearly divided into years to years It doesn't matter whether you include the year 1999 or 2000 or not. 
There is also a tendency to use #Youngtimer in the 1970s. It's such a rough feeling.

In Japan, is it close to the feeling of "retro" or "Showa"?

Before that, #Oldtimer,
Oldtimer From the postwar period to the 1960s-70s,

in recent years since 2000 #Moderntimer

Past inscriptions that cannot be encountered at department stores
Not only goods, but also watches, cameras, furniture,
leather products such as bags, apparel fashion, music, etc.
which is a hot topic in various fields, the movement of re-evaluation is actually visible and
public evaluation, used rates soaring in the market is a remarkable
mere nostalgia principle not confined to
certain view of the world have included the respect

production efficiency and reduce costs
to the brand company shareholder concern (shareholders measures) in the like
from the manufacturing that has become boring It can be said
it is a reaction. In addition, somewhere bought, acquisition drama
M & A, I missed it when I thought that it became a subsidiary, shopping
for LVMH, Richemont, Kelling, etc. with huge capital that was replaced, and
reorganization of the corporate body still without violently
time had remained 1 Manufacturer of force than major capital
philosophy and concept for the product is era Tsuranuke
there is more than enough even background that had a higher degree of freedom
wanted to make manufacturers, brand side is really

[the end of the personality ] Is there!

In making watches
It's a good time to

pursue ideals , not ideals. In Japan,
words and movements are not yet widespread in both #Youngtimer and #Oldtimer .
From now on, magazines will be launched and
#Youngtimer countless hashtags and
special features will be organized. or, with or you can shop
big Movement is should it occur

is such a commodity we have thought that I could introduce

over-the-counter display of goods is not done
there a pawn in the old residential area
boutique pawnshop stylish from the large stores also
is the minimum store of family-run far
vogue product does not have is
the watch your favorite people with a story, such as described above
we would want to be in one store
other web not only its own site Please be sure to check the stock when you come to the store
because it is also posted on the site .
We would appreciate it if you could understand the purpose and order it.

・Member of the National Federation of Pawn Shop Associations
・Member of Tokyo Pawnshop Cooperative 
・Certified Gemologists of Japan are enrolled.

Collection Shiba Co., Ltd. is a
pawnshop business law, antique business law,
Tokyo We have obtained the permission of the Metropolitan Public Safety Commission.
Tokyo Metropolitan Public Safety Commission permission
・antique dealer permission number: No. 302226500006 
・pawn shop permission number: No. 302226500005


Trusted Seller

平均星4.8つ/星5つ中  |  評価:218


平均 4.8 発送
平均 4.9 説明
平均 4.8 問い合わせ対応
99% の購入者が、この販売業者をお勧めしています。
